Troubleshooting thumbnail image generation

Meridian Enterprise Server runs background tasks to generate thumbnail images.

The task processes each document as follows

  1. Copies the document content to the folder %TEMP%\BCTemp\
  2. Starts a separate process to generate the thumbnail image.
  3. Retrieves the result and store it in the database
  4. Removes the temporary file

To troubleshoot thumbnail image generation:

  1. Run the program BCThumbnailGen.exe with the following arguments. By default, it resides in the folder C:\Program Files\BC-Meridian\Enterprise Server:

    BCThumbnailGen.exe /THGen /InFile:"C:\Temp\MyTestFile" /OutFile:"C:\Temp\thumbnail.jpg" /Width:"400" /Height:"400"

    If thumbnail generation is working properly, the output file will contain an image of the input file.

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